This is my self-centered rambling about weight, exercise, healthy living, life on the farm, travels with horses....oh, who am I's my never-an-unexpressed-thought-or-opinion about my life. And maybe your life, like it or not.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Have you ever "put off" eating breakfast only because you are so hungry, but get so little food, that it's almost not worth it?  Or you're afraid you'll eat such a big chunk of your calories or points that you won't have enough for the rest of the day?

I love cereal...healthy cereal, but it's still a grain, and always a sweet grain at that.  But a serving of cereal, almost all of them, is microscopic.  So if you have a decent portion, add healthy berries, and skim milk, you've almost shot your day.

All the nutritionists advocate eating a big breakfast, smaller lunch, and much smaller dinner.  Hard to do, because if you're hungry from, say, hiking your fat ass up and down some hills, after shoveling a barn-full of horse manure, by the time you get to the evening, you'd eat anything, and a lot of it. Of course, those nutritionists sit in the office all day, with maybe a little excursion to the gym for a self-absorbed "workout" in trendy "workout attire,"......throwing a cute trendy sweater or matching jacket on to go"from the gym to errands."  How cute. 

Oops, but I digress.   Have to go eat breakfast.  What to have, what to have...........stressful.

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